At the core of Shirley and Kat's anti-Scientology diatribes is
insecurity. These are two very insecure women. They absolutely
hate the fact that Babbles Schwartz is as secure as they are
insecure. Opposite ends of the spectrum and this disturbs them
because it makes them wonder why can't they also be happy
and secure. As you can see, dear reader, Shirley and Kat
really shouldn't criticize somebody just because they don't have
what somebody else has. It's so very immature. Shirley and Kat
are supposed to be grown-ups so why don't they try acting
like grown-ups instead of being green with envy because some
other woman has what they never will have - security in her life,
satisfaction in her religion, purpose in her goals, ethics in her
methods and integrity in her actions.
These are principles that have shaped our society and remain
at the core of our freedom and liberty. That's just plain common
sense. Why do Shirley and Kat lack even rudimentary common
sense? Probably because they were indoctrinated in the liberal,
government-run, public education system. Contrast them with
Babbles who is largely self-educated. Heck, it's plain that
Babbles is more learned than the both of them put together.
Shirley and Kat want to sanctify depravity. They openly
support Halloween mask-wearing cowards interfering with the
religious freedom of others. They feel right at home in ARS where
they are in good company - for the most part a warren of hate
mongering societal rejects many of whom have criminal records.
They feel oh so brave trying to gang up on a lady who doesn't
happen to share their corrupt ways and means. On the one hand
they demand they be treated as equals to any man but, on the other
hand, they openly state that Babbles is some kind of a second or
third rate entity. They drip with hypocrisy. It's sickening.
Their "superiority" is just a case of an overactive imagination.
Regular readers of my posts probably take it for granted that my logic is impeccable because none of the anti-Scientology hate mongers have been able to refute me in honest debate. So, take my word that Shirley and Kat are partners in crime and their stand against religious freedom lacks all decency. It also lacks the specifics of courage, truthfulness, courtesy, honesty, diligence, equal treatment, loyalty and originality. From this proven evidence brought to light in their postings I would argue that Shirley and Kat's secret passion is to evoke a hateful response to the heartfelt and genuine beliefs of one of their sisters .
For shame! You can see how badly they treat 'one of their own' so is it any wonder it's the rare man who finds them other than tiresome? I might not always have good things to say about the opposite gender but you will never hear me disparage another man as long as he acts like a man. In the same way, I have little bad to say about women who act like women. However, women who try to act like spoiled boy children, and Kat and Shirley are among these, I find tedious and in need of a lengthy timeout standing face-in in some dark corner.
To summarize consider the fact that Shirley and Kat don't represent an ideology. They don't represent a legitimate religious group of people. They DO represent a tautology - femiNazis repeated over and over again. They're just flat adversarial because they are contrary to their own gender.
Let's pray they repent of their evil ways.
Gregory Hall