As corny and dated as these sentiments may sound in the
fast-moving and ever-evolving modern world in which we live,
it's still no less true. Primarily, I want to share with you my view
that whenever Babbles Schwartz wants to show us a gross abuse
of common sense and intelligence, she merely yanks her own
Scientology-supplied puppet strings and out pops ludicrous
postulate after dumb statement usually of a conspiratorial nature
with the finger pointing at SMEGMAPMS, case officers and ear
implants. The uplifting core of what I will say here is that it would
be great if we could debunk the nonsense spouted by Babbles'
Scientology brainwashed mind but we should not hold our
collective breath. She's so recalcitrant. If we can debunk,
then perhaps we can open people's eyes to a vision of how to
oppose Babbles and the Babble Rabble and all the delusions
they stand for.
The struggle against Scientology sycophants must be a struggle against 'technology'' that is anything but, slavery that indeed is, and corruption that must ever wax or it is doomed to failure. Everybody knows that Babbles' continuous and deliberate misuse of the word
"doppelganger" in an attempt to promote herself as a victim and her subsequent failure to live up to her potential is just a side-stepping cop-out. This is so ludicrous as Babbles often compares herself to God and Jesus, usually on the grounds that she has little or no understanding of a conventional, Christian god but substitutes a false Scientology god for reason.
Babbles maintains that either the Universe belongs to her dubious religion by right or that the best way to reduce opposition is to 'clear' the world. Is she such a drone that she can't understand that 'clearing' is concocting a version of reality that fully contradicts real life. L. Ron Hubbard's 'tech' is blasphemy gone wild. It's a type of insanity engaged in by willing dupes with defective minds. Babbles denies any possibilities other than her Scientology-taught delusions. Quick, somebody show some compassion and send somebody to reprogram her! (just kiddin') She needs to be reprogrammed because all she does entails making unfounded statements and jumping to daffy conclusions. Her posting and blogging history offers innumerable examples of the veracity of this assertion.
Currently, Babbles elevator won't go to the top floor. From the perspective of those inside her so-called church, truth is whatever LRH's 'tech' says it is. The reality, however, is that Babbles is confused and highly disoriented, when it comes to truth. She and
other Scientologists put forth the STUPID postulate that truth is defined as YOUR truth. In other words, say a lie enough times and it becomes your truth. How absurd! This one example, alone, is the main reason why Babbles' Blogs and postings are so
laughable. I have to laugh because bastardizing the meaning of the word truth just so people can be easily manipulated is so Orwellian. But, brainwashed Scientology members can't even see that they are brainwashed.
How can Babbles call herself sane when she operates under insane rules and word definitions? I can no longer get very excited about any revelation of Babbles' hypocrisy or crookedness. It's what I've come to expect by now from all Scientologists. They just can't help themselves.
I'm no psychiatrist. Still, from the little I know about psychiatry,
I can say that Babbles seems to exhibit many of the symptoms of
the Capgras delusion. I contend that Scientology 'tech' is the
primary cause. It creates paranoia.
I don't say this to judge but merely to put Babbles' depraved histrionics into perspective. In a previous posting, I announced my intention to see that she sticks to her promise to not post to ARS any more as long as I am posting here. She's already broken that promise at least once using her Google account and I'm confident she is the author of many a disparaging anonymous remailer posting about yours truly. So, she's a proven liar. (But, isn't that the case for ALL Scientologists?)
Naturally, this announcement will cause Babbles to plaster
libelous abuses about me on her blog as she has done repeatedly
in the past. Incidents like this truly demonstrate how all she
really wants is to torment me and reject me thinking it will make
me go nuts because she'd rather have an imaginary marriage
with an imaginary man (who looks like a pencil-necked geek)
than do the right and smart thing and become worthwhile as a
helpmate. She's a cruel and relentless dominatrix.
More often than not, Babbles is good at stirring her intimates into a frenzied lunacy of hatred and vengeance. That's the game she's playing with me. She would like nothing better than have me arrested and tossed into prison where daily torture was the norm. I think this is what happened to the original Marty Rathbun. Babbles got him arrested and imprisoned and she's built herself the perfect alibi by claiming she's married to him and loves him forever and all that jazz!
In actuality, a real man, for Babbles, is a mere optional extra and if that man won't cower and shake in fear at her feet like a whipped dog she'll have none of it.
Gregory Hall