When assessing L. Ron Hubbard catch-phrases, one need not resort to vicious name-calling or mephitic epithets. One need only present the facts. Before I launch into the meat of this post, I want to make a few matters crystal-clear: (1) It rags my crotch that L. Ron Hubbard wanted to crucify us on the cross of phony Science, and (2) as a result of that, he indeed needed to come up with terms that cloud the issue.
Now that you know where I stand and the basic thrust of this erudite post, I can safely say that when you tell L. Ron Hubbard's allies that he and management (the Sea Org) were in cahoots to convert houses of worship into houses of Satan, they begin to get fidgety, their eyes start to bug out, their pimply faces redden, spittle drools from the corners of their mouths, they develop tics of various sorts, and then they start yelling . . .
"What are YOUR CRIMES?"
They really don't care how transparent their methods are, after all, they paid big money for them and are brainwashed into thinking the methods are something special that no "wog" can possibly glean when, in actuality, these methods turned them into just so many, pre-programmed drones humming around the bloated and fetid queen bee, L. Ron Hubbard. They have no interest in hearing that LRH made a living out of the fact that "there's a sucker born every minute."
I call this tactic (substituting dogma for reality) of his, "bait and switch". Bait with religion but switch to a phony psychology the likes of which would have Sigmund Freud spinning in his grave. On the one hand, deny everything psychiatric but, on the other hand, use psychiatry to gain his ends but call it something else. L. Ron Hubbard and his spokesmen have unequivocally raised bait and switch to a fine art by using it to engage in the trafficking of human minds and souls. These human beings are captured by the bait, brainwashed until they become willing drones and then their energy is switched so it works solely for enriching the C of $ coffers while they toil like slaves, 18 hours a day, earning a pittance while being abused and debased.
L. Ron Hubbard claimed he acted in the name of equality and social justice. Of course, claiming so certainly doesn't make it so! LRH wanted to 'clear' the world. Instead, if anything, he managed to "queer" the world with a couple tens of thousands of drones running around acting so very queer (in the conventional sense of the word having nothing to do with sexual orientation). I'd advise against judging his associates too harshly. They're just cannon fodder for LRH's plot to advocate fatalistic acceptance of a perverted and Satanic new world order.
L. Ron Hubbard claimed that diseases could be defeated not through standard medical research but through the creation of a new language, one that does not stigmatize certain groups and behaviors. Hubbard created lots of new words with conjured meanings that suited his brainwashing techniques. Many claim he just had the best interests of humanity in mind. Bah! To be sure, that story is full of more holes than a cheap whore with a piercing fetish, a heroin habit and rife with flesh-eating bacteria.
Although some more politically correct than I am reluctantly concede that by using Orwellian language and selective quotation, LRH was able to palliate and side-step the atrocities of his disguised and delusional grunts, they invariably deny that honor meant nothing to him. I disagree! It's plain L. Ron Hubbard clearly honored money.

L. Ron Hubbard relied heavily on "useful idiots", that is, people who unwittingly did LRH's dirty work for him. Without his swarms of useful, Sea Org idiots L. Ron Hubbard would not have been able to conceal the fact that his religion was and is a sham. Yes, I said it! - not only a sham but a TOTAL sham. No one has located the document in which L. Ron Hubbard said this. No one has identified when or where L. Ron Hubbard said this. But, make no mistake, this makes no difference at all. It's fact, nonetheless. Because a sociopath never admits he ever said or did something most likely means he did, indeed, do or say it. For a sociopath, lies = truth.
Why not admit to the true nature of Scientology? Because LRH was a giant egotist and warped psychologically but he wasn't totally stupid. As you might have suspected, whenever L. Ron Hubbard was presented with the true statement that his tech is filled with fabrications, half-truths, innuendo, and guilt by association, he spewed out the hackneyed excuse that superstition is no less credible than proven scientific principles. (The same old sociopathic reasoning that lies = truth.)
Moreover LRH worked diligently at interchanging superstition with science. Ironically, such screwball logic is likely to convince even more people that LRH's activities were a mere cavil, a weatherworn scarecrow, one of the last shifts of a desperate and dying, delusional and diseased, deranged and defeated, old man bereft of any real social value or personal ethics.
Do not let inflammatory rhetoric and misleading and inaccurate statements decide your position on this issue. LRH's outrage at complaints about him was indicative of his egotistical self-esteem and value system. I will now cite the proof of this statement. The proof begins with the observation that L. Ron Hubbard acted as if he were God of the World.

I don't want this to sound like sour grapes but I, for one, cannot believe how many actual, physical, breathing, thinking people have fallen for Hubbard's subterfuge. I'm completely stunned! With friends like LRH and his goon squad, who needs enemies?
His adulators avow that ethical responsibility is merely a trammel of earthbound mortals and should not be required of a God like him nor his staff. I say to them, "Prove it!" Of course they will ever remain unable to do so. Why did so many people tolerate LRH's snow jobs as long as they were presented in small, seemingly harmless doses? You know, one small 'tech' step at a time? A little here and a little there that costs thousands and thousands of dollars ($$ - there's the real LRH "church")? The answer is that the tolerance for lies is brainwashed into Scientologist's skulls full of mush from the very first "lesson".
It just so happens I've read a prospectus some of LRH's effete dupes forced into a friend's hands as she walked past an org. The prospectus described LRH's blueprint for a world in which the worst kinds of psychotic saboteurs there are, are free to drag everything that is truly great into the gutter with them. As I dropped the prospectus into an overflowing wastebasket where it belongs, I reflected upon the way, that from the perspective of those inside LRH's crime syndicate, L. Ron Hubbard has the mandate of Heaven to bowdlerize all unfavorable descriptions of his inveracities. His followers are just so many mindless devil-worshippers!
The reality, however, is that only through education can individuals gain the independent tools they need to ward off the blows of adverse circumstance. What L. Ron Hubbard perpetrated is the antithesis of education. It's pure brainwashing. But the first step is to acknowledge that his personal attacks (fair-gaming - the primary C of $ brass knuckles) are a logical absurdity, a series of deductions from a premise that has been denied even by LRH himself.
Speaking of absurdities, LRH's destructive narcissism is no religious belief. It's actually political. It is a fierce and burning gospel of hatred and intolerance, of murder and destruction and the unleashing of a devious and disguised system of control by an arrogant dictator.
Scientology is, in every sense, a disloyal and pagan religion that incites its worshippers to a goose-stepping march in avid denial of freedom, independent thought and independent action and then prompts worshippers to sanctify Hubbard's depravity.
Finally, this has been a good deal of reading, and surely a challenging read at that. Still, I hope you walk away from it with the new knowledge that L. Ron Hubbard hated, with a pure and perfect hatred, all those who challenged him and his Scientology's future where human beings are nothing more than drones to be used, abused and then tossed lightly aside.
Gregory Hall