I do believe Anonymous might be growing up. It seems like they've decided to be a little less in-your-face and a little more into the business of spreading information - information that can be found everywhere that casts Scientology in a bad light.
I've never been for in-your-face intimidation and street demonstrators wearing masks because I think such tactics do more harm than good. In today's world with the Internet and sites like YouTube where videos of former Scientologists talking out calmly and sanely against the horrible abuses of Scientology can be used, street demonstrations are probably counterproductive and, more often than not, paint the demonstrators as the bad guys.
Members of any religion - even crank religions like Scientology should be free from harrassment in public and members should not be the specific target of organized protests. Protests should target Scientology management whenever possible. In the United States, at least, freedom of religion means freedom of religion for every religion.
I would like to see some activism group working through the courts and legislature to try to remove Scientology's tax exempt status. This would say very loudly and clearly that Scientology is no religion. This would subject them to being regulated and taxed as the business they are. But, as long as Scientology is considered a church by the powers that be then we need to respect their right to freedom of religion.
But, that doesn't mean all their misconduct should be allowed to continue or be swept under the rug. If the Pope's misdeeds can be exposed then so should David Miscavige's.
Here is a fitting new cross for Scientology. I think Scientology blasphemes the Christian cross because of Hubbard's belittling of Jesus Christ and calling Him names. Scientology is anathema to the cross.
Note the presence of Nazi wings signifying suppression, slavery and death. Attend the serpents which represent poison and Satan. Heed the screw which represents what Scientology does to many members, past and present.
I've been viewing many YouTube, Scientology, exposé videos and now understand some of the evils of Scientology better and learned how well-meaning but gullible folks were recruited and then abused or taken advantage of. Much that Scientology does, as told by these former members, is downright criminal. I wonder why there are not more lawsuits? I wonder how long an ignorant, mean-spirited bully and false man like Miscavige can continue to get away with his abuses. (Some would call them crimes against humanity and human dignity.)
News Media Acts Strange
Dearest Marty, my awesome soulmate and husband, How is your life? News
media is strange. At the end of last year and in the beginning of this
year, most me...
18 hours ago
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