on June 27, 2010 Barbarella typed: (my comments are blue)
"I cleaned parts of my house today because yesterday evening, I was invited to a party. I wasn’t much in the mood for any party but the person who invited me helped my on a couple of occasions in the past and it seemed kind of ungrateful to say that I wouldn’t be coming. He was always helpful and kind to me. But at the party house, it wasn’t my world, not my kind
of cleanliness and sense of order, and a couple of the party guests were smoking, so the first thing that I did when I got home was throwing my clothes in the washer and then jumped in the bathtub and got the smoke smell out of my hair."
HYPOCRITE! Barbarella smoked cigarettes herself up until 1984 and now she looks down her nose at others who smoke? This is arrogance galore and hypocrisy pure.
"Although nobody was drinking, not even beer, which is a good thing. There was a party guest sitting at the bar, mainly eating or just starring at me or on his plate. He was really odd. All others were chatty and introduced themselves to me and were open and told stories and laughed but not this guy. So, I ignored him."
A real woman of confidence would have taken the initiative and introduced herself to the man. Perhaps he was just shy? I wonder what makes Barbarella so insecure and haughty? Does she think everybody should present themselves prostrate at her robust feet as if she were the Queen of the world?
"After 2 – 3 hours, I said goodbye to the hosts and the other
guests and the weird guy at the bar came running after me.
“Did you find Jesus yet?” he asked me and tried to recruit me
in his Christian church."
Christians are supposed to spread the Gospel. It's part and parcel of what a real Christian is and does. Is Barbarella so insecure in her false, cultish religion that she has to close her mind to any other possibilities?
"I told him that I have my religion already. He wanted to know
details about my religion but I ignored his question. He gave
me a leaflet about his Christian church but I left him standing
there and just made clear to him that I am not interested."
Barbarella was ashamed to admit to the man that she belongs to a cultish, false religion - one that causes her to be rude, judgmental, arrogant, self-serving, condescending and has her soul condemned to the Hellfires.
"It is just unbelievable that the weirdest, uncharismatic, non-communicative, boring, and robotic people on Earth think that they have a chance recruiting me into Christianity. I threw the leaflet in the next dumpster that I saw. The geek knew nothing to say than his contradictory Christian crap. Christians have nothing to offer me. A religion that denies past lives does not contain the most important basics of truth. And most Christians are horrible hypocrites anyway."
If the weirdest, uncharismatic, non-communicative, boring and robotic people on Earth were recruiting, one would see legions of Scientologists walking the neighborhoods with their propaganda pamphlets. And, if people wouldn't accept a pamphlet the Scientology drones would slap them, punch them, get right in their faces and scream at them, "What are YOUR crimes?!!!" This is how they act in the Sea Org!
Barbarella is a prime example of the Scientology tenet which states, "Accuse others of being or doing that which you, yourself are or do." She calls a Christian man a hypocrite when he's doing what he's supposed to do - spread the Gospel. It never sinks through her thick skull that she's the real hypocrite because she believes she's a good, fair and decent person while Scientology has brainwashed her into being just the opposite - an opposite that real Scientologists never show in public, by the way, because transparency represents a public embarrassment to Scientology.

The late L. Ron Hubbard managed and David Miscavige manages to hide their true natures and Scientology's true agenda when they put on their "public faces".
Thank you all for your patience and understanding and may God Bless You.
Gregory Hall
You sure don't pull your punches, do you? Keep up the good work.
Elton John