Monday, March 29, 2010

Tell Me, Could Barbarella Do Better Than Yours Truly?

Barbarella said she would do anything if she and the Imaginary Marty could get back together. But, she is being totally unrealistic - hoping, wishing and waiting for something that will never happen.

What a handsome couple we would make. Just feast your eyes on the composite photo! We even look alike. Of course, I look a little younger but that's OK. "Mature" women are just the best.

That's the kind of couple that's needed to wrestle the Church of Scientology away from the present mismanagment. Barbarella could see to it that Scientology Tech is pure Hubbard. I could see to it that Christianity is included. It would be a win-win situation.

Instead of pining away for some imaginary man, she should get real and embrace a loving real man such as yours truly and become his willing helpmate. She just doesn't know what she's missing. She has no idea.

I can fix bicycle flat tires with the best of them. I can do it with my eyes closed or in my sleep, it's so easy. I am a mechanical genius who would not forget to put the brakes back in the right position. I would know how precious the rider and that she should not get in an accident.  I don't want a single scratch to mar her natural beauty.

I hate to say it but Barbarella's idea of getting solid rubber tires is dumb. Solid rubber tires are heavy, they have high rolling resistance so they are slow. And, why does Barbarella accept gifts of tools from Baby Bro and she insults me by refusing my offer of a gift of a Kindle! 
Out with the old, in with the new.  The Imaginary Marty Rathbun has got to GO!  He's ruining everything.  He's a jailbird, for Pete's sake. A common criminal. Why is it  some women fall in love with convicts? But, an imaginary convict??? Can't even write letters to such a person.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Anonymous Seems to be Getting Smarter

I do believe Anonymous might be growing up. It seems like they've decided to be a little less in-your-face and a little more into the business of spreading information - information that can be found everywhere that casts Scientology in a bad light.

I've never been for in-your-face intimidation and street demonstrators wearing masks because I think such tactics do more harm than good. In today's world with the Internet and sites like YouTube where videos of former Scientologists talking out calmly and sanely against the horrible abuses of Scientology can be used, street demonstrations are probably counterproductive and, more often than not, paint the demonstrators as the bad guys.

Members of any religion - even crank religions like Scientology should be free from harrassment in public and members should not be the specific target of organized protests. Protests should target Scientology management whenever possible. In the United States, at least, freedom of religion means freedom of religion for every religion.

I would like to see some activism group working through the courts and legislature to try to remove Scientology's tax exempt status. This would say very loudly and clearly that Scientology is no religion. This would subject them to being regulated and taxed as the business they are. But, as long as Scientology is considered a church by the powers that be then we need to respect their right to freedom of religion.

But, that doesn't mean all their misconduct should be allowed to continue or be swept under the rug. If the Pope's misdeeds can be exposed then so should David Miscavige's.

Here is a fitting new cross for Scientology. I think Scientology blasphemes the Christian cross because of Hubbard's belittling of Jesus Christ and calling Him names. Scientology is anathema to the cross.

Note the presence of Nazi wings signifying suppression, slavery and death. Attend the serpents which represent poison and Satan. Heed the screw which represents what Scientology does to many members, past and present.

I've been viewing many YouTube, Scientology, exposé videos and now understand some of the evils of Scientology better and learned how well-meaning but gullible folks were recruited and then abused or taken advantage of. Much that Scientology does, as told by these former members, is downright criminal. I wonder why there are not more lawsuits?  I wonder how long an ignorant, mean-spirited bully and false man like Miscavige can continue to get away with his abuses. (Some would call them crimes against humanity and human dignity.)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Barbarella Schwartz is Wayward Beyond Redemption! She Prefers Imaginary Men.

Poor Barbarella Schwartz. She's Scientology personified. In liberal fashion, she tries hard to act like a man and therefore she causes herself to lack the ultimate female quality - that of being feminine.

"For a woman qua woman, the essence of femininity is
hero-worship-the desire to look up to man. "To look up" does not mean dependence, obedience or anything implying inferiority. It means an intense kind of admiration; and admiration is an emotion that can be experienced only by a person of strong character and
independent value-judgments.
A "clinging vine" type of woman is not an admirer, but an exploiter of men. Hero-worship is a demanding virtue: a woman has to be worthy of it and of the hero she worships. Intellectually and morally, i.e., as a human being, she has to be his equal; then the object of her worship is specifically his masculinity, not any human virtue she might lack.

"This does not mean that a feminine woman feels or projects
hero-worship for any and every individual man; as human beings,
many of them may, in fact, be her inferiors. Her worship is an
abstract emotion for the metaphysical concept of masculinity as
such-which she experiences fully and concretely only for the man
she loves, but which colors her attitude toward all men. This does
not mean that there is a romantic or sexual intention in her attitude
toward all men; quite the contrary: the higher her view of
masculinity, the more severely demanding her standards.
It means that she never loses the awareness of her own sexual
identity and theirs. It means that a properly feminine
woman does not treat men as if she were their pal, sister,
mother-or leader." -- Ayn Rand


1) Barbarella has stated that the only relationship she wants with a man is to be like a sister. Yes, it's so. This means Barbarella is NOT properly feminine.

2) "To look up to a man" - this means a REAL man not some
silent poltergeist personified like L. Ron Hubbard not some imaginary man like "the real Marty Rathbun" nor any other LIBERAL man which is synonymous with "girly-man" who is no more real than the enturbulator on my bicycle.  

3) She's a clinging-vine type of woman described above when
it comes to her imaginary man. She gushes on and on in her Blog (see sidebar) about how she is a slave to her desires of the flesh with the imaginary MR.

4) Scientology has warped Barbarella's thinking to such an extent
that she's become perfidious, she lacks perspicacity, she has no
understanding of raillery, she doesn't seem to understand what
an arrant religion Scientology is, she's inurbane, she lacks courage
so she flounced off the ARS stage, she's hardly a woman but
rather is a contumacious child as obstreperous as they come.

5) I would gladly take her over my knee and spank some
sense into her like Ron or her mother failed to do a long time ago when she was in her formative years lest she become wayward beyond redemption.
But, she's an adult now so look what she needs.

Gregory Hall