Greg, you have claimed to be a Christian, and I have
pointed out to you that in L. Ron Hubbard's teachings
on "OT3" he completely invalidates Jesus Christ and
Christianity. You have obviously ignored this fact, and
you go on supporting Hubbard and his teachings, thereby
supporting his anti-Christian teachings. You claim
regarding me and the others you listed that: "They only
wish to smear and defame - - with their lies and
defamation." Yet you do not think Scientology's
anti-Christian teachings are lies and defamation?
I replied:
Sorry, but I tend to disbelieve any so-called evidence
you anti-Scientology extremists cite in your posts.
With Babbles Schwartz's help pointing out the truth
it seems like what you folks cite is either lies or taken
out of context. I have not seen any text from the CoS
that says it's against Scientology to believe in Christ.
Any text published by extremist hate groups is suspect.
Honest Abe wrote:
I can only conclude that you are not what you
claimed you are, a Christian, but that you are a
Scientologist assigned to post pro-scientology
information to this newsgroup and to smear and
defame all that disagree. Consider your cover blown!
I replied to this nonsense:
You are free to believe what you will. And I tend to
shy away from discussing Christianity here in ARS
because it's not really on topic in and of itself. Only
Christianity's relationship to Scientology is on topic,
IMO. I have found that one of the fastest way to get
non-Christians to close their minds is to preach at them
all the time.
Rather than jump to conclusions about my being a
Scientologist defending Scientology, why not look at it
objectively. I am a Christian pointing out how one side
hates and defames the other side who practices its religion
as it sees fit.
If you haters can work to destroy a particular religion you
will not stop should you succeed. You will continue on to
the next religion you label a cult. You will not stop because
you have as your true agenda the destruction of all religions.
You are atheists and agnostics and some of you, I would
guess, are devil worshipers.
This is why I side with Scientology. I work against those
who would try to get a toe hold whereby they can attempt
to destroy all religious freedom, mine included.
Honest Abe wrote:
I am not against, in fact I support, any and all practices
that can and do better mankind - especially psychologically,
as when it comes to matters of the mind we are still pretty
much in the dark ages. I got into Scientology and similar
practices for that reason - enlightenment and evolution.
I became highly disillusioned with Scientology - far more
so than any other of the several deceptive and even
destructive cults I encountered along my path. I hope you
wake up before they make you penniless, brainwashed,
and a virtual slave to their autocratic organization. I got
out in time to salvage my life, and all should. Take what
gains you can, and then free yourself! And in your future
quests for truth, I'd advise you to look to science, and
avoid all "religion" like the plague.
I replied:
Disillusionment is something many people face. But, most
people don't turn their disillusionment into works of hate.
You and others should not see being disillusioned as a
failure of the system but as a personal choice. It is but
a choice you have made for yourself because you did not
appreciate what you learned about something. In other
words your expectations were dashed. If it was a correct
choice then be happy with it. That you continue trying to
justify it by lashing out and hating that which you decided
to be disillusioned with is not a mature course of action.
It smacks of hypocrisy. It's not anybody's or any
organization's fault your choice is what is is.
And, don't worry about me. I haven't given one thin dime
to Scientology. I'm even going to check out books from the
library so they aren't even selling me a book.
Gregory Hall
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