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Outing the "Anonymous" Extremists.
I could be risking life and limb writing this but let me make it abundantly clear that "Anonymous" extremists form a hate speech organization devoted to the harassment and defamation of the Church of Scientology. I shall begin this post by citing a few examples from the public sphere. For starters, most of the Anonymous extremists' ploys are seriously flawed, frequently
fail to meet minimal standards of intelligence, logic, decency, acceptable public behavior and, on balance, are clumsy, rude, obnoxious, childish and sociopathic. This can be seen by the way they "demonstrate" wearing Halloween masks to intimidate C o S members and to hide their criminal records being associated with their faces most of which are easily recognized on police department arrest record files all over the country as
well as at the FBI.
Gregory, are you crazy? Aren't you aware of how the Anonymous extremists will react when they read what you say about them? Yes, of course I am aware of how this slime operates. Do I care? Hell no! because there's little chance these known cowards will be able to do anything about it other than
whine and snivel. There's not a one of them that can even pen a coherent paragraph in their own defense and they sure can't put on their Halloween masks and picket my posting to Usenet.
It's an educated guess because I can't say I've read much of their garbage (who could stomach it, anyway?) but it's already become clear to me that most of the things the Anonymous extremists have written would be considered merely "mind-numbingly illiterate, parochial, religious hate speech." I'll go further, the Anonymous extremists are only accomplished at the utilization of questionable and illegal demonstrating techniques. Their faceless, "in your face" tactics are so hypocritical and disgusting. And their numbers? Ha ha, what a joke. They are loathe to admit it but they are so few. And their hate speech, amateur, little websites are an even bigger joke.
Most people would only trust these Anonymous extremists about as far as they could throw them and this is because the Anonymous extremists are ignorant of some obvious facts, most notably:
1) Anonymous extremist's rhetoric has gotten way out of hand.
2) Anonymous extremist's facts are not facts but often repeated lies, libel and defamation.
3) Anonymous extremists often use the phrase, "Studies or surveys show that...", to introduce statements that wind up being chiefly about various ways and means to defame Scientology.
4) What the Anonymous extremists seem to be forgetting is that they set too much store by ruffianism that is fundamentally, pervasively, and inescapably the way of the bully.
For the good of us all, we should never take these bullies too seriously nor should we overreact to their pitiful little demonstrations which make it perfectly clear to the general public that "here are some deranged and truly sick individuals." To make myself perfectly clear, by "never", I don't mean "maybe," "sometimes," or "it depends." I mean only that we must always report, as best we can, the facts and circumstances surrounding any Anonymous extremist's cretin outbursts.
If we fail in this, we're not failing someone else nor are we disrupting some interest separate from ourselves. Rather, it is we who suffer when we neglect to make it clear that all Anonymous extremists try to reverse the normal process of interpretation. Theirs is an orchestrated charade. That
is, they value the unsaid over the said, the obscure over the clear. They think their masks make it appear that Scientology is out to get them so they can't show their pimply faces. Actually, it's the other way around. They can't show their pimply faces because then every law enforcement officer
with a wanted poster in mind will be out to cuff them and stuff them.
Due to the proliferation of information in this day and age, when a mistake is made the smart thing to do is to admit it and reverse course. This takes real courage. The way that Anonymous extremists stubbornly refuse to own up to their mistakes and change course serves only to convince me that no one has a higher opinion of them than they do themselves. They really think their sh*t doesn't stink. My oh my, can anybody get more delusional than that?
This posting should be regarded as the beginning, not the end, of my campaign against this Anonymous extremist rabble. And those creep, Xenu lowlifes are on my list, too. Please don't anybody ever believe what the Anonymous extremists want you to believe - that the cure for evil is more
evil. On the one hand they pretend to label the Church of Scientology as evil so why don't they decry the evil they perpetrate in their so-called peaceful demonstrations where they threaten, browbeat and bully? The only clear answer to emerge from the conflicting, contradictory stances that
Anonymous and its provocateurs take is that threats and intimidation are a crutch for the depravity of which these hell-bound Satanists are capable and delight in carrying out.
Although there are no formal, internal, validating criteria for the Anonymous extremists' callous actions, they seem to be pretty much on the same page. This indicates to me that sociopathic losers all pretty much think and act the same way individually and in groups. Their mental illness is readily evident even to the most impartial observer. Why else do these morons all seem to believe rubbish like, "Those who disagree with Anonymous extremists should be castigated, harassed, threatened, impugned, defamed, libeled, slandered, mocked, cast into the outer darkness, should be shunned,
should starve and should DIE!!!"
What they don't expect you to see, though, is that the abhorrent things you see going on in their demonstrations are symptoms of the Anonymous extremists' insincere, deranged agenda. I say insincere because all they really wish to do is hate. They don't really care who they hate as long as they can hate somebody or something. If the Church of Scientology should all
of a sudden cease to exist they would not waste a single minute reorganizing to settle on the next target of their hatred. They are not a cause; they are an effect. Hate is what hated does. They are hate personified. When I say that the Anonymous extremists have rightly earned the scorn and derision with which they are viewed in many quarters, this does not, I repeat, does not mean that they should be taken lightly. They are still capable of a certain amount of damage in a small, mean, sub-human way.
Anonymous extremists don't want equal time. Anonymous extremists want all of the time. Anonymous extremists just want to poke and pry into every facet of Scientologist's lives. In a sense, almost every day, Anonymous extremists overreach themselves in setting new records for arrogance, deceit,
slimyness and shameful, antisocial behavior. All I ask is that normal people see it for what it is - mental illness untreated and run amok.
Gregory Hall
Great observations again, Greg. Glad that you speak so freely about what's wrong.
ReplyDeleteBut I know that many of these people indeed are seeing psychiatrists and are taking psychiatric drugs and the only change that I have seen is that they are even worse than before.
You are absolutely right about that when Scientology would not be, the same people would attack also other religions and also Christian religions and it happened already before. Numerous of the extremists speak about Christian churches and other religions just as bad as about Scientology.
People of other religions should pray that Scientology continues to stand because as long as these extreme people are occupies with Scientology, the other religions are left more in peace.
You should say that his postings hurt the Cult of Anonymous or the Cult of Anti-religious Extremists. It sure will not hurt Scientology because Greg has never been in Scientology. He has nothing to do with the orgs and just noticed the hateful postings against Scientologists in this newsgroup.
Greg is a Christian and posts what he wants. No Scientologists tells him what to do.
And many of you seem to have a problem with this. And this is very odd. You guys can't deal with critics at all.
Barbara, when you wrote the following you spoke wisely: "People of other religions should pray that Scientology continues to stand because as long as these extreme people are occupies with Scientology, the other religions are left more in peace."
ReplyDeleteYes, because much of the hate and anger of the extremists is directed, for now, at Scientology other religious groups are less burderned by their hate campaigns. But should Scientolgy fail then another religion will be chosen for their organized persecution. Believe it!
No matter your religious persuasion, saying a prayer that Scientolgy prevail against anti-religious extremists will not fall upon deaf ears. I learned today from an expert that Scientology is not an ungodly religion. The expert's site is:
Look in the answers section linked therein.
I'll admit it, I hate all these mental delusions people call"god" "xenu"...whatever. Religion is a slowly dwindling form of thought control that I threw off some time ago. Catholic church? Pedophiles. Xenu? Sci-fi crapola from a hack writer. That anybody would defend a crock like L.Ron Hubbard's "religion" doesn't show much of an IQ.
ReplyDeleteGee, maybe I should start the Lord of the Rings religion.