The following posting to alt.religion.scientology by Roger Gonnet was rebuffed with ease by yours truly:
"xenufrance" <> wrote in message news:49f0131b$0$21825$
> These pêople or pseudo owners are primarily victim of their cult, as I've
> been long ago , and they are just helping it to commit its frauds like I
> did ... 25 years ago.
> Since now, these "people" (rondroid or not) are perfectly aware of the
> cult's crimes we are exposing here, they have NO EXCUSE for their own
> criminality doing so.
> When helping Hubbard and C°, I was at least unconscious of the convictions
> of the cult and its chief, and of the complaints against it.
> But THESE are aware of what we expose here, so, they are accomplices of
> the criminal leading that cult, and will deserve to be jailed later.
What you expose here? Oh, please! You expose your ignorance, bigotry and hatred of things you don't understand. That's about the sum total of what you expose here, Monsieur Gonnet.
Why don't you open your eyes and get a clue, Roger Gonnet? The only crimes and evidence of crimes posted here are what is called 'anecdotal evidence.' Anecdotal evidence doesn't prove anything. Why, because in any large group of people there are always going to be a few bad apples who commit crimes. Until and unless you can prove *statistically* that the Church of Scientology has a greater percentage of crime than other church groups you prove nothing with posting random acts of crime or alleged crime. Much of what you and the other anti's post is exaggerated, biased or outright lies anyway.
In a post elsewhere I proved statistically from a list of alleged Scientology criminals that the Church of Scientology has a crime rate approximately 50,000 times less than that of the general population. So much for your lame examples of anecdotal evidence, Roger!
When posting this sparse anecdotal evidence you and the other anti's do prove one thing, however. You prove that you extremist, anti-Scientology hate mongers think the general public is rather stupid. You would have to think that if you actually expect your biased anecdotal evidence is going to have any effect other than the general public thinking, "Oh gee, there goes yet another fanatic anti-Scientologist loon. Why doesn't he get a life already." Why don't they stop being nattering nabobs of negativity and do something positive for a change?
And such hypocrites they all are. Just look at all of them and their criminal or near criminal deeds here:
Scroll down and click on Roger Gonnet's photo and see how he is such a fine, upstanding fellow. (gag!)
Gregory Hall
News Media Acts Strange
Dearest Marty, my awesome soulmate and husband, How is your life? News
media is strange. At the end of last year and in the beginning of this
year, most me...
5 hours ago
You know, I think it's a little misleading that you portray yourself as an "advanced Christian thinker" when you're obviously a Scientologist. In addition to the fact that you use Scientology lingo (ex. "nattering"), your Scientology service completions are available online.
ReplyDeleteDear Lydia,
ReplyDeleteI am not a Scientologist. I really am a Christian but I see how Scientology is being persecuted by a group of rogue extremists who say anything, do anything and spew their hatred and vitriol against Scientology. These sociopathic individuals have just about taken over a newsgroup that was created to discuss Scientology in a rational fashion and they use it to spread their anti-religions agenda under the guise of attacking a "cult." Well, by their definition Christianity is also a cult. These are, for the most part atheists who would ban ALL religions. I, for one, will not allow them free reign.
Thanks for your comment. Oh, nattering nabobs of negativity is a phrase associated with Spiro T. Agnew.
One question-is that you on the Scientology Service Completions site, or does there just happen to be another Greg Hall in your area that is pro-Scientology?
ReplyDeleteThe Dynamics of Money course where the name Greg Hall appears is not me. I've never taken a Scientology course. Gregory Hall or Greg Hall is a common name. Google it and you'll mind lots of us. I'm just reading about Scientology in my spare time on the Internet and have a friend, Barbara Schwarz, who is a Scientologist but she's not trying to indoctrinate me or anything like that. She mostly chimes in to correct the lies of the anti-Scientologists.
"Lydia Fultz said...
ReplyDeleteYou know, I think it's a little misleading that you portray yourself as an "advanced Christian thinker" when you're obviously a Scientologist. In addition to the fact that you use Scientology lingo (ex. "nattering"), your Scientology service completions are available online.
You are a confirmed cyber-stalker and an ignorant bigot, Lydia. Newton
The "real" Captian Adderall is an active critic of scientology who makes great youtube videos on the subject.
ReplyDeleteLately someone has been going around the critics boards pretending to be him.
"Scroll down and click on Roger Gonnet's photo and see how he is such a fine, upstanding fellow. (gag!)"
Hall, from your picture I get the very distinct impression of a vain, self-involved man who is never to be trusted or believed.
I am the real Captain Adderall.
ReplyDeleteScientology is a dangerous cult.
People can check by clicking the link to the profiles.
Also, if ever in doubt... not like its hard to find out, the imposter sounds like a pro-scientology retard, but email/private message me at either-