> This ruse will continue as long as gutless reporters like KESQ-TV's
> Nathan Baca fail to wrap their minds around the fact that Anti-
> Scientology Activism is a criminal racket. Pathetically, these
> underpaid, self-serving so-called journalists opt for sensationalism
> over substance, taking everything the "critics" say as truth. Lies
> beget more lies and the deception continues....
I like that objective statement, ". . . Anti-Scientology Activism is a
criminal racket."
I like it because it's such an obviously true statement. The anti's
lie, lie and then lie some more. They claim to be concerned about
the plight of individual Scientologists they see as imprisoned or
enslaved. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The couldn't
care less about individual Scientologists. As a matter of fact they
care so little about them that they use them as unwilling and
unwitting pawns to further their atheistic hate mongering against
all organized religions.
There is nobody or nothing they will not use and abuse to further
their agenda of religious persecution. Here in this group they have
already used an innocent 3-year-old girl calling her autistic and
attempting to say Scientology caused it. People who claim to care
about individual Scientologists sure wouldn't use their hate speech
upon a little girl who has parents who are Scientologists, would they?
The anti-Scientologist rabble are simply concentrating on
Scientology at the moment because they think if they can take
down this one religion then they can take them all down, one at a
time. Should they succeed with Scientology (chances of that are
slim and none, btw) then who will be the next target of their
criminal racketeering? The Church of the Latter Day Saints?
These sociopathic anti's need to be exposed at every opportunity.
They need to have their lies rebuked. The gutless wonders who
hide behind Halloween masks while demonstrating need to be
given some trick or treat candy and then be required to move
along. Loitering of trick or treaters not allowed.
Gregory Hall
ReplyDeleteI am a critic and I don't claim to care about the "plight of individual Scientologists they see as imprisoned or enslaved".
ReplyDeleteThey all just want in on the scam, they are all thieves.
But don't believe us critics, just look at court documents and medical reports.
The only innocent people in scientology are the ones born into it.
Go to to hear how they survived and escaped.
Great Blog, it is time somebody documents what these anti-religious hatemongers are really up to.
I'm doing this as well. By the way, I am the REAL Tom, not the imitator above.
ReplyDeleteThose Anonymous members seem to think racial slurs are funny.I don't get it.Tom Newton
Yes, these Extremists and Anonymous are very twisted people, Tom. Can you post the links to your Blogs and the Extremists and the Anonymous here on this Blog?
I thought about deleting the racist/homosexual comment above but I decided I'll let it stand.
ReplyDeleteIt is from an imposter Tom Newton and demonstrates one of the methods the extremists use to attempt to defame those who stand against them.
The real Tom Newton has a blog that speaks out against the extremists and Anonymous in particular so that is why he has been attacked here. Check it out:
Gregory Hall
Good idea, Greg, this should explain to new readers of your Blog what is going on.