Dear alt.religion.scientology, (Usenet newsgroup)
I'm posting this to express my dismay and concern over the anti-Scientologists' hate-mongering postings. Many people are probably convinced that anti-Scientologists are guided by the backwards facing ethos of dark ages neopaganism. I say that is not entirely correct in that I maintain they are also guided by modern-day atheistic evil. They are way more evil than mere pagans who at least believe in some manner of god or gods. Anti-Scientologists believe in themselves as the center of the universe and the brightest star in their universe is a dark star dully glowing with their evil and malice.
If someone wants me to believe something nonsensical like the anti-Scientologists really are concerned with the plight of individual, hapless Scientologists and wish to help him rather than having as their real goal the total destruction of the Church of Scientology, then they must think I'm as gullible and ignorant as they are. Sorry, but it just isn't going to happen. I, for one, intend to stand up for what's right and good. Until that person shows me some concrete evidence of positive doings by anti-Scientologists rather than the usual, malicious, evil-doing which is thinly veiled in a false altruism, I shall remain unconvinced that they are doing any work other than Satan's work.
Consider me an impartial voice who is no Scientologist myself but rather a Christian who can't help but see that, even though Scientology has some problems, they are so far above the anti-Scientologists that they might as well be living on this Xenu planet of theirs because they are light years ahead of anti-Scientologists in every meaningful ethical and moral way.
Of all the backwards, morally bankrupt, unethical souls of this world, anti-Scientologists, who intend to continue posting their lies and propaganda asserting that hate-filled atheism is a be-all, end-all system that should be forcefully imposed upon us, are among the worst of the lot. They think it's okay if their organized harassment initially causes all our quality of life to degrade because "sometime" "someone" will do "something" "somehow" to counteract the trend in the future once they rid the world of the "scourge" of Scientology.
This bizarre pattern of thinking leads to strange conclusions. For example, it convinces materialistic people (as distinct from the more spiritually inclined of us) that the anti-Scientologists' assertions are good for the environment, human rights, children's rights, civil rights and freedom and liberty. Yes, sir! Materialism over spiritualism every time! In reality, we were put on this planet to be active, to struggle, to learn, to evolve towards good and to reject evil by loving God. We were not put here to resort to ad hominem attacks on Scientologists and their families as a convenient way to engage in our sociopathy.
The anti-Scientologists' propaganda machine early on said that anti-Scientologists would never use mass propaganda as a system of integration and control because that was exactly what they claimed L. Ron Hubbard was doing and they were opposed to that. But, now they are a prime example of PKB. So much for credibility! Anti-Scientologists sure know how to lie. It's too bad they have yet to understand the ramifications of lying.
If anti-Scientologists can give us all a succinct and infallible argument proving that we can change the truth if we don't like it the way it is, I will personally deliver to them a Nobel Prize for hare-brained, disingenuous bombast. In the meanwhile, I think anti-Scientologist hypocrisy has reached a new low. You probably thought that, too, when you read the post where they libeled, supported the libel or did not object to the libel and defamation of a defenseless, 3-year-old daughter of a Scientologist. But, anti-Scientologists don't think that way. Anti-Scientologists think that society is screaming for its insults and sick methods of abuse. This is the warped world of their own making in which they live.
I promise you that I will never vandalize our culture like they attempt to do. I believe in diversity and live and let live. I don't attempt to be a self-appointed dictator who browbeats and controls every religious behavior like anti-Scientologists do. On the other hand, the anti's are so eager to do exactly that. It's already begun giving rise to devious and barbaric ways and means.
The reason I'm distinguishing my actions from its here is that the anti's have declared that they're staging a revolt against everyone who dares to speak up against their strong arm tactics. Anti-Scientologists are revolting all right but, in my opinion, for another very obvious reason: the very sight of them spewing their organized, hypocritical hatred turns my stomach. All kidding aside, the anti-Scientologists imply that the world's salvation will be derived from their own whims, irrationality, lack of a moral compass and delusions and sociopathic behavior.
The above is a comment that should chill the spine of anyone with moral convictions. To make sure you understand exactly how I feel I'll spell it out for you. For starters, I really loath anti-Scientologists. When somebody mentions scum of the earth types these anti's quickly come to mind. Likes or dislikes, however, are irrelevant to your observed reality so you may make the comment, "What does this have to do with ARS?" Well, once you begin to see the light you'll realize that the central paradox of the anti-Scientologists' magic-bullet explanations, the twist that makes the anti-Scientologists' radical approach so irresistible to atheistic hedonists, is that these people truly believe that anti-Scientologists defend the real needs of the people. In doing so they set themselves up as the very deities the decry. These false, hypocrite deities are going about attempting to eliminate any competition.
If some people are offended by my mentioning that the anti-Scientologists have an agenda—a political, social, cultural as well as religious agenda—then so be it. Anti-Scientologists seize every opportunity to overthrow all concepts of love, beauty and sublimity, of the noble and the good, and instead drag people down into the dark sphere of their own base nature. Think about it. Can you remember ever hearing a kind word or friendly gesture from anybody in the hateful, anti-Scientology camp? When I post that I love Babbles Schwartz and wish her well and hope for her happiness you'd think I was some kind of pariah as far as the anti-Scientology crowd's reactions go.
I cannot abide this colossal evil having any supporters at all but there seems to be a couple dozen hardcore evil doers here who keep riding the tailgate of their favorite base bandwagon. Any sane person knows that an anti-Scientologist is a salacious nutter. I use that label only because it's true. If you don't believe it is, then consider that everything anti-Scientologists write is unreadably desultory. Am I being unduly harsh for writing that? I think not. When the religious leaders in Jesus' time were wrong, Jesus denounced them in extremely harsh terms. So why shouldn't I, too, use extremely harsh terms to indicate that anti-Scientologists wouldn't be able to make a Usenet community the victim of their vile hatred while attempting to turn it into a toxic waste dump if sane people banded together and shouted, "ENOUGH ALREADY WITH YOUR LIES AND DECEPTION, BEGONE SATAN!!"
If anti-Scientologists believe that they command an army of mind-numbed robots who live in fear of the Church of Scientology they need to have it made perfectly clear to them that they barely control a squad and the squad is a bunch of freak rabble and sociopaths. Is it just me, or do some other people also think that there is little question that this is neither a post written in anger nor something I am being paid to write? I ask because if you read anti-Scientologists' writings while mentally out of focus, you may get the sense that they provide a liberating insight into life, the universe, and everything else. But, if you read their writings while mentally in focus and weigh each point carefully, it's clear that they don't want this to be a free country, and I aver we ought to keep it free as it was Constitutionally established with freedom of religion among the main tenets.
In closing there are three points I wish to make:
First, anti-Scientologists are standard-bearers for the unbearable.
Second, I would very much like to see anti-Scientologists crawl back under the rock they slithered out from under.
And third, I do not have the time, in one sitting, to go into the long answer as to why anti-Scientologists go ballistic every time I so much as hint that the only way I can possibly forgive them is if they start telling the truth and offer to make restitution for all the ill they cause in this world.
But, the short answer is that these anti's say that everyone would be a lot safer if they were to monitor all of our personal communications and financial transactions—even our library access (like they did to Babbles Schwartz). Why on Earth do they need to control our library access? Many people consider that question irrelevant on the grounds that if anti-Scientologists are victorious in their quest to display unchallenged an irreconcilable hatred toward Scientology and all religions after that, then their crown will be the funeral wreath of human rights. Do give that some thought.
Gregory Hall
Volodymyr Zelensky has an even bigger target on his back after the clash in
the White House
Dearest Marty, love of my life, how are you? Trump and Vance acted like
bullies. I find it wrong too that the USA is pulled in just about any war
in the wo...
6 days ago
ReplyDeleteYou are absolutely right about Anonymous being anti-human rights.
It's a mob, nothing more.
Agreed! Their methods say it all . . .
ReplyDeleteWe did a poll on the main global planning board. Results are that about 1/3 of active Anonymous members are athists or agnostics. The rest are scattered between Christians, Jews, Buddhists etc.
ReplyDeleteHubbard mentions Christ a few times. Once he claimed he was a pedophile prone to fits of rage. Another time he said in a lecture that Christ and all other religious figures were the result of alien brain implants; works of fiction written to control people. They are collectivly called the "R-6 implants" and must be audited out in the OT levels.
Interesting concept; works of fiction written to control people.
None given, it should dawn on anyone that these contadictory comments are the works of forgers. They don't even care to coordinate their lies they blame L. Ron Hubbard on.
This is a very interesting link.
ReplyDeleteAnd this is a good blogspot too.